If you have oily skin, then your goal is to get rid of excess oil, right? However, it is also important that you don’t strip away the healthy oils that provide your skin with its natural protection and nutrients. The types of skin care products you use can either benefit you or hurt you depending on their ingredients. You also need to be careful about the way in which you use skin cleansers and moisturizers as well as using skin treatments. The things you need to know about the types of skin care and how they affect you can help you decide which products to buy and use.
The Kind of Skin
Depending on what kind of skin you possess and your personal skin issues, your daily skin care routine may include only exfoliating, although how often you exfoliate is up to you. One of the easiest ways to exfoliate the skin is with a mild face scrub, such as the L’Oreal Paris Pure-Sculpting Grapeseed Scrub. This gentle scrub gently exfoliates your skin while providing rich moisturizer. To use this kind of scrub, simply wet your face and rub it gently in circular motion until you see the dryness on your face.
It Should be Avoided
One thing you should avoid is using any products that contain salicylic acid or retinoids on your oily skin. These ingredients can cause a variety of unwanted side effects for people suffering from combination skin conditions. Another thing you should do is to avoid using any lotion or moisturizer containing alcohol. Although many lotions and moisturizers claim that they are safe to use on combination skin, the alcohol can cause irritation and redness.
The Most Common of Skin Regimen
The most common types of skin regimen you will use for your face are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. You can choose a cleansing moisturizer if you have oily skin. For people with normal or dry skin, you can choose either a toner or a moisturizer. Cleansing moisturizers remove dirt, make-up and excess oil from the face. After cleansing, it is important to use a toner to further remove the excess oil and dirt. Toner products do not need to be used every day; in fact, it is better to choose a toner that does not contain alcohol.
For Acne
If you suffer from acne, you should use a masque once or twice a week to help reduce the breakouts. A masque is typically made of witch hazel, tea tree oil and lavender essential oil. You can purchase these products at a local store or pharmacy. A masque can be used every day or as required depending on your skin care routine.
The Right Types of Skin Care
Choosing the right types of skin care products for your type of skin can help improve the overall health of your skin. It is important that you understand what types of products work best for your specific skin type and stick to only those products. Also, it is important that you know what types of behaviors and conditions will lead to the development of more serious conditions such as acne. For example, if you smoke, you should plan on using a good anti-smoking routine.